THE WHY? Nepal aspires to graduate from least developing country to a lower-middle-income country by 2030. However, the development community’s excessive focus today on socio-political empowerment has not yielded the desired economic transformation. In reaching the 2030 national target, shall we wait for institutions of power to become accountably productive or shall we bolster innovations of people to bring inclusive prosperity? And, shall we strengthen grassroots-government collaboration in shaping an equal and enterprising future?
THE HOW? Daayitwa is a Nepal-based NGO, established in 2013, promoting domestic youth employment by enabling rural enterprises to create jobs and by supporting the government to make evidence-based policy decisions. It is a youth-led movement for an enterprising Nepal where every individual has opportunities for a prosperous future. Daayitwa is part of the Daayitwa Abhiyaan which comprises four sister organizations (Daayitwa, Governance Lab, Nepal Leadership Academy) inspired by the shared values of innovation, collaboration and service and guided by the shared principles of social justice, impact sustainability and community empowerment.
The Rural Enterprise Acceleration Program (REAP) was initiated in 2013 with the mission of “domestic employment generation through rural entrepreneurship for an inclusive and enterprising Nepal”. REAP identifies growth-oriented rural women and youth entrepreneurs, capacitates them to exploit local innovations, connects enterprises with financial institutions, and bolsters the municipal enterprise ecosystem. REAP operates as a municipality-based competition on a one-year timeline, with close technical and financial collaboration with municipalities at the core. REAP has worked with 240+ rural women and youth entrepreneurs and accelerated 105 (63 women) in Bagmati, Gandaki, and Lumbini Provinces.
The Daayitwa Nepal Public Service Fellowship (DNPSF) program, initiated in 2013, identifies service-minded talented youth, capacitates them to conduct policy research, connects their policy recommendations with government actions and builds an evidence-based policy ecosystem. Under the flagship of DNPSF, Daayitwa offers the Daayitwa Nepal Public Policy Fellowship (DNPPF) program to support government organizations and parliamentarians at the federal level with evidence-based policy research, as well as the Daayitwa Nepal Public Administration Fellowship program (DNPAF) to support public officials and elected representatives of local governments in researching, formulating and implementing local policies and programs. Since 2013, DNPSF has supported 170 talented Nepali youth trained in 31 countries to conduct research projects for 25 parliamentarians and 74 government organizations in all 7 provinces (42 municipalities).
Through the Leadership for Economic Governance (LEG) program, a joint initiative of Daayitwa and sister organizations Governance Lab and Nepal Leadership Academy, Daayitwa enables local governments to dissect economic growth challenges, learn leadership and management skills and execute team-based public innovation pilots.